Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks (MSCA ITN) - open call 2020
The Innovative Training Networks (ITN) are the main European doctoral training programme, putting a special emphasis on non-academic sector participation and the innovation dimension.

They bring together universities, research institutes and other sectors from across the world to train researchers at doctorate level.

Who may apply?

The call is open to consortia of organisations such as universities, research institutions, research infrastructures, businesses, SMEs, and other socio-economic actors from different countries across Europe and beyond, that propose a research training network, including Brazilian and any other Latin American and Caribbean state institutions.


The call is not open to individual researchers/students. Brazilian and any other Latin American and Caribbean state individual researchers interested in high quality doctoral-level training in and outside academia can apply to the PhD positions created by these networks, including Industrial Doctorates and Joint Doctorates. They are advertised on the Euraxess Jobs portal.


Mobility across borders is a must.

How does it work?

There are three types of Research networks:

  1. European Training Networks;
  2. European Industrial Doctorates; and
  3. European Joint Doctorates.


1. European Training Networks (ETNs)

Joint research training that help researchers gain experience of different working environments while developing transferable skills.

They must involve at least three partners from inside and outside academia. Organisations managing such a network should be established in at least three different EU or associated countries, though additional participants can join from across the world.


2. European Industrial Doctorates (EIDs)

Joint doctoral training that help PhD candidates step outside academia and develop skills in industry and business.

This type of network is provided by at least one academic partner and partners from the business world. Individuals are enrolled in a doctoral programme and jointly supervised by the academic and non-academic partners.

Organisations offering Industrial Doctorates should be established in at least two different EU or associated countries, though others are welcome to join.


3. European Joint Doctorates (EJDs) 
They promote international collaboration that cuts across different business and research sectors.

Run by a minimum of three academic organisations forming a network to supervise joint, double or multiple degrees. These organisations should be from different EU or associated countries. Other bodies can join from anywhere across the world, including the non-academic sector.


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