The Results of the North American Leaders' Summit | Cudi Pasar al contenido principal
The Results of the North American Leaders' Summit
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The Results of the North American Leaders' Summit


On January 9–10, U.S. President Joe Biden and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will meet in Mexico City with Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador for the 10th North American Leaders’ Summit. During this webinar, our panelists will analyze the context and results of the Summit.

- Pamela Starr, Professor, University of Southern California
- Antonio Ortiz Mena, Senior Vice President at Albright Stonebridge Group
- Lorena Patterson, Senior Vice President, Public Affairs and Policy, Canada Spirits Association

- Sergio Alcocer, President, COMEXI
- Rafael Fernández de Castro, Director, USMEX

*Se proporcionarán servicios de traducción.




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