REMERI participa en el OR2015 | 10 Th International Conference on Open Repositories
La coordinadora de la Comunidad de REMERI Rosalina Vázquez y Antonio Razo de la BUAP, presentaron una publicación en inglés titulada "Federated Networks of Open Access Repositories in Mexico and Latin America", en el Congreso Internacional de Repositorio
Open Access to scientific literature through repositories has grown significantly in recent years, increasingly favoring the creation of federated networks at national or regional level. In November 2012, nine countries in Latin America signed an agreement to develop the Federated Network of Institutional Repositories of Scientific Publications- LA Referencia.

From a framework of agreements, member countries developed their national node under a common interoperable infrastructure. The participation of Mexico is represented by the Mexican Network of Institutional Repositories - REMERI, developed in 2012 by a group of six institutions with public funding. To date (February 2015), have joined REMERI a total of 89 Institutional Repositories of 49 Mexican Institutions of Higher Education, with more than 380,000 documents. In this proposal arise from the perspective and experience of the authors in the development of REMERI, strategies adopted for the standardization of the repositories , technical requirements for interoperability between federated networks, technological developments for harvest, indexing, normalization, search and retrieval of digital documents and finally some recommendations for maintenance and long-term sustainability.