The Magic comes to Mexico
CUDI is working on the Base Platform Development to provide further support to the institutions participating in the implementation of services defined

The Magic Project started activities, with the porpouse to stablish a set of agreements for participating World regions to consolidate complete middleware for a market place of sources and real-time applications to benefit global sience communities.  Building on the success of the ELCIRA project, RedCLARA -with partners from Latin America, Europe, the Caribbean, West and Central Africa, Eastern and Southern Africa, North Africa and the Middle East, Central Asia and Asia-Pacific- is leading MAGIC, a cooperation project which aims to significantly improve the ability of researchers and academics around the world to collaborate together.

CUDI is working on the Base Platform Development to provide further support to the institutions participating in the implementation of services defined.

In interview to the leader of Project in Mexico, Rocío Cos, she commented,that the Magic have 5 principal goals

1. The adoption of European infrastructure standards eduroam and eduGAIN in several developing project countries. Globalisation of these standards.The project will create the basis for a deployment of eduroam and eduGAIN in each region involved. The deployment of this service will provide and promote the mobility of the participating institutions members (researchers, academics and students).

In the case of eduroam service, CUDI has worked previously with UAM and UNAM institutions, who have significant advance in the process of implementing the service.

2. Extension of knowledge about federated identity and training for implementation.The Mexican institutions will be able to incorporate their federated services to global academic market and make more efficient use of their resources.

The Coordination with several continents in basic infrastructure deployment. The project includes the collaboration of NRENs and Regional Networks in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Europe and Latin America on the development of agreements, human capacities and a network of collaborators that will foster the deployment of basic infrastructure needed for secure, authenticated access to collaboration tools as well as a means to application-sharing across the NREN world with the potential to include the commercial market serving NRENs and the university/research community. This basic infrastructure is eduroam, eduGAIN and the proposed agreement for the interoperable groupware management system, added Rocio Cos. 

Through the Magic Project the CUDI´s members will potential to ease the creation of a global market. The project will include several world regions in the discussion for Open Standards in Real Time Collaboration and Service Delivery, including Groupware Management. This will ease the way for a global adoption of these standards which will help the creation of a global market for collaborative and other applications, be these provided by one NREN, or by external providers, to the academic community.

3. Concertation in the development of worldwide services,in order to promote and pilot the agreements reached for Real Time Collaboration standards as well as application sharing and service delivery. 

4. Application-sharing among NRENs and the global academic community.The project will select applications being provided by NRENs and will propose a model for application-sharing so that NRENs may become providers of one to the other and/or to/from Regional Networks to take advantage of efforts made in one part of the world in benefit of another one. In particular, this will boost the use of academic applications developed by NRENs by adding a significant number of potential users to them and favoring in this way collaboration and economies of scale.

5. Worldwide research communities using collaboration tools to improve their daily work.The project will foster the use of collaboration technology among worldwide research communities working in three (3) selected areas. This will serve as a proof of concept and support dissemination by developing NRENs among their researchers of the potential of the use of these tools for their collaboration work across the world. The project will also extend the Funding Opportunities Database and Partner Search application developed by the ELCIRA Project to cover the developing regions and provide valuable funding information for the defined global communities and others.

Finally, the project will support dissemination of funding opportunities available in the H2020 project and other funding opportunities through regional Virtual Information Days that follow the EC Information days and other international call for proposals, finished the leader of the Project Rocio Cos.

Currently there are nine Mexican participating institutions:

- Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla - BUAP

- Centro de Investigación Científica y de Educación Superior de Ensenada - CICESE

- Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del Instituto Politécnico Nacional - CINVESTAV

- Instituto Politécnico Nacional - IPN

- Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey - ITESM

- Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana - UAM

- Universidad de Colima - UCOL

- Universidad de Guadalajara - UDG

- Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México – UNAM

Proyecto Apoyado por FONCICYT