Llamado a presentar trabajos para "The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis" | Cudi Pasar al contenido principal
Llamado a presentar trabajos para "The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis"

Llamado a presentar trabajos para "The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis"

 Surprises are the norm at panels, which makes for exciting and energetic hour-and-a-half sessions. Panels explore topics in-depth by capturing the opinions of a wide-range of people active in the relevant fields. Panels represent state of the art opinions, and can be augmented with social media technologies including Twitter, LinkedIn, and video feeds – even real-time audience polling. Please plan on actively participating in one or more of the panel offerings at SC16. We look forward to your help, through your participation, in making panels at SC16 a major success and lots of fun.


Important Dates: 

Web Submissions Open: February 16, 2016 

Submission Deadline: April 24, 2016


Web Submissions: https://submissions.supercomputing.org/

Email Contact: panels@info.supercomputing.org


SC16 Panels Chair:

Michaela Taufer, University Delaware


SC16 Panels Vice Chair:

Sandy Landsberg, Department of Defense


SC16 Panels Committee:

David Abramson, University of Queensland

Pavan Balaji, Argonne National Laboratory

George Biros, University of Texas at Austin

Aparna Chandramowlishwaran, University of California, Irvine

Jack Dongarra, University of Tennessee, Knoxville

Anne C.Elster, Norwegian University of Science & Technology University of Texas at Austin

Bruce Hendrickson, Sandia National Laboratories

Torsten Hoefler, ETH Zurich

Katherine Yelick, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Seetharami Seelam, IBM Corporation


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