Convocatoria para participar en CCGrid 2016: the 16th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing | Cudi Pasar al contenido principal
Convocatoria para participar en CCGrid 2016: the 16th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing

Convocatoria para participar en CCGrid 2016: the 16th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing

HPC in the Americas: Research and Technological Developments in Latin America in Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing.

May 16-19, 2016, Cartagena, Colombia

during CCGrid 2016: the 16th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing

Workshop Co-chairs

Dr. Moises Torres Martinez, University of Guadalajara, Chair

Dr. Carlos Jaime Barrios Hernandez, SCALAC

Dr. Cesar Diaz Torrejón, LNS-BUAP

Dr. Gilberto Diaz, Universidad Industrial de Santander—Supercomputing Center

Dr. Renato Micelli, SENAI CIMATEC

Dr. Isidoro Gitler, CINVESTAV-ABACUS

Call for Papers

This workshop will focus on inviting leaders of supercomputing centers in Latin America to share the work that is taking place at their respective centers and research institutions.  The workshop will focus but not limited to presenting the distinct works related to cluster, cloud and grid computing.  Latin America is growing in the research works related to high performance computing and as such this workshop seeks to be a forum where these works are presented to continue to advance the distinct research themes related to HPC in Latin America.

A list of topics of interest

1. Cluster Grid and Cloud Computing

2. Applications for Science, Engineering, Health, Scientific Visualization, Simulation and Modeling

3. Parallel Processing, Algorithms and Techniques in GGPU and Tools and Environments for High Performance System Engineering, Software Tools, Programming Tools, Virtualization

5. Systems to solve Complex problems in Academic and Scientific Research fields

6. Emerging and New Technologies for HPC, Big Data, Advance Networking, Petascale / Exascale Technologies

7. Green Computing

Important dates

·       Papers due on : February 19, 2016

·       Author Notification : March 1, 2016

·       Final Papers Due : March 15, 2016

HPC-Americas Workshop : 1 day between May 16 and 19, 2016

Paper Submissions: Submitted papers must be 8 pages long maximum.  Authors must submit their articles through the submission system:


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