Application Areas of Internet of Medical Things | Cudi Pasar al contenido principal
Application Areas of Internet of Medical Things

Application Areas of Internet of Medical Things


The main feature is the monitoring on real time the signals coming from the body for preventing health anomalies as well as medical equipment variables that allow their feedback. The evolution of information and communications technology has led software architects not only to offer a solution to the problems posed, but also to the creation of multi-solutions based on massive accumulation of data in the cloud. It will enable the cloud to a virtual space controlled for the storage of data, whichfavors the interpretation and feedback. The IoMT will be more effective when it incorporates the hardware (sensors and medical equipment), software (apps, web based systems or desktop app) and communication infrastructure (Bluetooth, Wireless, Satellites, Mobile Systems, etc.).

The proposed workshop will address the following themes, but not limited to-

  • Devices and Mobile Apps for Healthcare
  • Enhanced health care systems
  • Remote patient monitoring systems
  • mHealth Devices and data
  • Data Analytics and Medical Internet of Things
  • Medical data connectivity models
  • Privacy
  • Interoperability and Standards

Important Dates

Submission of papers
January 15, 2017
February 05, 2017
Camera ready
February 28, 2017
February 28, 2017
Conference Dates
March 29-31, 2017
Organizing Committee
1. Rubén Antonio García Mendoza
Universidad Tecnológica de CorregidoraCalle
Roble #171 Colonia Jardines de Irapuato, CP. 36660, Irapuato, Gto., Mexico.
2. José Alonso FernándezLópez, Universidad Tecnológica de Corregidora
3. Gabriel González Molina
4. Maribel Leyva Gaxiola Universidad Tecnológica de Corregidora, maribel.leyva@
5. Lesly AbdetMayorga Hernández, Universidad Tecnológica de Corregidora
6. Raymundo Velázquez López, Universidad Tecnológica de Corregidora
7. Octavio Omar Granados Guerra, Universidad Tecnológica de Corregidora
8. Tanya Martínez Baca Rivera, Universidad Tecnológica de Corregidora
9. Miguel García Moreno, Universidad Tecnológica de Corregidora
10. Rubén Antonio García Mendoza, MexicanoIngenieríaBiomédica
11. David H. Covarrubias-Rosales, MexicanoComunicacionesinalámbricas
12. Jorge E. Preciado Velasco, MexicanoGestión de serviciosinalámbricos
13. Joel Quintanilla Domínguez, MexicanoTecnologías y Sistemas de Comunicaciones
14. José Miguel BarrónAdame, MexicanoSeñales, sistemas y Radiocomunicaciones
15. José Javier Serrano, OlmedoEspañolIngenieríaBiomédica
16. Leonardo Fabio YepesArbeláez, ColombianoComunicacionesinalámbricas

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