2nd International Workshop on Semantic Web | Cudi Pasar al contenido principal
2nd International Workshop on Semantic Web


2nd International Workshop on Semantic Web

The Semantic Web Research Group at University of Informatics Sciences from Havana, Cuba, invites the scientific community, professors, students and all people interested in research, innovation and technological development, to participate in the Second International Workshop on Semantic Web, to be held on November 2, 2016 at Convention Center, Havana, Cuba.

IWSW 2016 is a forum for the semantic web and linked open data communities, where practitioners in industry, academia and others interested in these topics are welcome for presenting theoretical and applied research work, share experience and discuss the latest scientific results and technology innovations around semantic technologies and linked open data. 
This workshop will be held in conjunction with XIV International Congress on Information INFO 2016. The official languages are Spanish and English.

Topics of interest include, but not limited to: 

- Management of Semantic Web Data and Linked Data 
- Robust and scalable knowledge management and reasoning on the Web 
- Languages, tools, and methodologies for representing and managing Semantic Web data 
- Database, IR, NLP and AI technologies for the Semantic Web 
- Search, query, integration, and analysis on the Semantic Web 
- Ontology engineering and ontology patterns for the Semantic Web 
- User Interfaces to the Semantic Web 
- Social networks and processes on the Semantic Web 
- Publication and Consumption of Linked Data


Papers will be peer reviewed by a program committee, and could be written in English or Spanish. Contributions should be original, unpublished work. The workshop welcomes: 
* Short Papers: For ongoing work, preliminary results, or applications. Papers should be up to 6 pages. The oral presentation will be 15 minutes. 
* Full Papers: For work with complete results. Papers should be up to 10 pages. The oral presentation will be 20 minutes. 
Submissions must use the PDF file format and must adopt the style of the Springer Publications format for Lecture Notes in Computer Science (http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-6-793341-0). Submissions that exceed the page limit will be rejected without review.
All papers have to be submitted electronically via the EasyChair conference submission system: 
The workshop proceedings will be published in http://ceur-ws.org/. Selected papers will be published in Revista Cubana de Ciencias Informáticas indexed in Scielo and DOAJ.

Paper submission deadline: Jun 1, 2016 
Notification of acceptance: Jun 29, 2016 
Camera ready papers: Jul 16, 2016


Yusniel Hidalgo Delgado; Universidad de las Ciencias Informáticas; Cuba (Chair). 
Ernesto Ortíz Muñoz; Universidad de las Ciencias Informáticas; Cuba. 
Amed A. Leiva Mederos; Universidad Central de las Villas; Cuba.

Amed A. Leiva Mederos; Universidad Central de las Villas; Cuba 
Juan Pedro Febles Rodríguez; Universidad de las Ciencias Informáticas; Cuba 
María A. Medina Nieto; Universidad Politécnica de Puebla, México 
Alfredo Simón Cuevas; Instituto Superior Politécnico José Antonio Echeverría; Cuba 
José A. Senso; Universidad de Granada; España 
Iván López Arévalo; Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados; México 
Nelson Piedra; Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja; Ecuador 
Peter Wetz; Vienna University of Technology; Austria 
Boris Villazón Terrazas; Fujitsu Laboratories of Europe; España 
Carlos Buil Aranda; Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile; Chile 

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