Remote Sensing Analysis at Scale with Google Earth Engine | Cudi Pasar al contenido principal
Remote Sensing Analysis at Scale with Google Earth Engine

Remote Sensing Analysis at Scale with Google Earth Engine

Satellite imagery is the next frontier in big data. As new generations of satellites make high-resolution images of the planet available over ever shorter time intervals, researchers will be able to study changes in human activity and the natural environment at scale and in near real time.

In this talk, Nick Clinton, a developer advocate at Google Earth Engine, will discuss new possibilities for geospatial analysis and how the research community can use Google Earth Engine as a tool for planetary-scale, cloud-based analysis.

He will present a live demonstrate on how this platform can be used to perform basic image classification and change detection analysis.

A reception will be held following the talk.

This event is sponsored by GPS's Center on Global Transformation and UC San Diego's Big Pixel Initiative.

Questions? Contact Lisa Lee.


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