MAGIC, TANDEM y SciGaIA participarán en ICT2015 | Cudi
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MAGIC, TANDEM y SciGaIA participarán en ICT2015

MAGIC, TANDEM y SciGaIA participarán en ICT2015

Escrito por María José  López Pourailly 

Under the name of GIIISC (Global ICT Infrastructures for International Scientific Collaboration), MAGIC, TANDEM and SciGaIA will share a stand to promote collaboration and expose the three projects benefits among the attendees of the International Village at ICT2015. What will these three projects show within the common space?:

Sci-GaIA will demonstrate how African scientists can use Science Gateways, access remote data and promote access to their open data and how NRENs can set up secure access to international research e-Infrastructures.

TANDEM will give concrete scientific examples in the field of tele-detection.

MAGIC will show the use of applications running on its collaborative platform, demonstrating how these real time services foster and promote scientific collaboration between international research groups.

Aiming to promote the cross border collaboration and discuss about the development, deployment and operation of research e-Infrastructures in different regions of the world, the three projects will also carry out a network session that will be conducted as an open forum in order to share ideas, experiences, best practices and challenges around e-infrastructures related topics. Entitled as “Towards global research e-Infrastructures for 2020 and beyond” .the discussions of the forum will focus on: e-Infrastructure policy development and international cooperation, the importance of promoting connectivity, global e-Infrastructure services and of identifying applications tailored to specific communities and regions, the importance of establishing agreements for Europe and other World Regions aiming at creating a marketplace of services and real-time applications for international and intercontinental research groups.

More information will be given in the upcoming months.


Sci-GaIA addresses the Science Gateway and e-Infrastructure policy development and international cooperation aiming at promoting connectivity, global e-Infrastructure services and at identifying applications targeting developing regions.

TANDEM (TransAfrican Network Development) aims at making possible for researchers and academics to contribute with peers around the world to the socio-economic development of the West and Central African region.

Proyecto Apoyado por FONCICYT


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