Boletín de Julio de 2006
Boletín Informativo

Internet Video Conferencing Course to be Given

The Internet2 Commons is again offering its video conferencing training course this summer, via H.323 video conferencing. The course will be offered on August 8, from 8am to 1 pm EDT (GMT-4). The first hour is for testing your equipment and roll call. The course will be delivered Virtually, by H.323 videoconferencing only.

It will be taught by Megan Troyer, assisted by Gabe Moulton and myself, from Ohio State University.
A special guest speaker will be David Shaw of the Cleveland Museum of Art.

Those who successfully complete the course will be certified as Internet2 Commons Site Coordinators. This will enable your organization to join [subscribe to] and use the Internet2 Commons [H.323 multipoint] services.

Here is the course outline:
* What is Videoconferencing?
* The Network
* Gatekeepers
* MCUs
* Gateways
* Streaming and Archival
* Endpoints
* ViDe and GDS
* Room Setup
* The Internet2 Commons
* Etiquette
* Site Coordinators

See for more information about the Commons, and to register.

There is a $125 fee per student. Students will receive a certificate, and an Internet2 Commons gift.

These courses have proven to be very popular and are often oversubscribed, so be sure to get your registration in early. Registration ends Sunday August 6 at midnight EDT.

Enrollment is limited to 35 locations; first-come, first served. The recent course on July 6 was oversubscribed. and some people had to be turned away.

Prerequisites for the course are familiarity with Windows and having used video conferencing. The entrance examination is being able to successfully connect to the conference. You will receive connection information after you register.

To ensure that you receive maximum benefit from this course, you must give it your full attention. Please do not read email or carry on local conversations during the course. You may be called upon occasionally during the course, and roll call will be taken.

Please forward this announcement to other lists or individuals who may be interested.
ANYONE is eligible to take it , regardless of your location or network.

These summer offerings are provided for teachers and others who may not have time to take them during the school year.

For procedural questions, contact
For technical questions, contact